Page House Part 2, Get Out Stay Out

jules, 13 years ago,

This second part of the Page House project was the Get Out Stay Out campaign for Fire Prevention week.

This second part of the Page House project was the Get Out Stay Out campaign for Fire Prevention week. Here, the fire department recreated the burning house scenario to demonstrate the how rapidly the condition can change inside a burning house. It also shows what is happening inside the house at the same exact time- smoke accumulating upstairs, and the fire rolling directly below. A local news crew also participated in this demonstration burn observing firsthand.

Shot at the same time, Camera 1, the Handycam, captured footage from upstairs and Camera 2, the XL1S, captured footage from the room directly below us showing simultaneous events.



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Julie Nickle, A Freelance Video Editor and Videographer based in the Raleigh/Durham area. My work consists of narrative music video, short films, documentary, corporate video and TV commercials.
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